My life and career changed for the better back in 2016 when I decided that moving to the UK to work as a vet would be the best thing for me. Ever since I joined Eville & Jones, I have never looked back and that is why I would like to share my story with you about moving to the UK to develop my career as a veterinarian.
Why I decided to move to the UK as a Veterinarian
I already had a career in food safety and control in Romania but I always knew that I wanted to work abroad and develop a career outside of my home country. I already knew about the opportunities in the Public Health industry in England for veterinarians and I felt like moving to the UK would be the best thing for me to develop professionally in this industry as a veterinarian.
Where it all began and how I found out about Eville & Jones
One of my friends was already working for Eville & Jones and so he recommended the company to me when he knew that I was looking at moving to the UK for work. He told me that joining Eville & Jones would be a very good opportunity for me. He was working as an Official Veterinarian at the time and explained that I would reach the same level as him quite quickly with my experience and qualifications.
Taking a risk – what made me decide to take the risk and move away from my family
I had a very comfortable life in Romania with my family but sometimes this comfort does not help you to grow as a person and can hold you back from doing things that could give you a better future. I knew that it would very hard from the beginning and that I would find it difficult settling into my new life after moving to the UK but it was a test for myself and I knew I could do it.
Moving to the UK – what it was like arriving here for the first time
After moving to the UK, I knew that I would find a few things strange. Driving on the opposite side of the road for the first time was very hard but I managed to get used to it soon enough! I also found that opening a UK bank account proved to be difficult when I first arrived but Eville & Jones helped to quicken the process thankfully. This is because you need ‘proof of address’ which they were able to provide for me. In Romania, there is a lot of bureaucracy but after moving to the UK, I soon realised that there is none of that here, everything is much easier. I also had difficulty with my English after first moving to the UK but I soon felt more confident as you are forced to speak the common language as I was working with people of different nationalities.
My progression with E&J from the first day I started until now
After I finished my MHI theoretical training, it only took me three months of working in my first practical job where I experienced the fastest and the slowest line speed in various plants. It was after these three months and moving to the UK that Eville & Jones gave me the opportunity to go to the Official Veterinarian course. Since then, I have been working as an OV across four different plants, I have become involved with the FDQ training programme and I also help with recruitment in various projects. Everyone is here to help you fulfil your duties and it is thanks to my manager and Senior OV that I was able to fulfil mine.
Why I have stayed with Eville & Jones until today
I have been here for two years now and at first I was very shy with very little confidence in myself and my English skills since moving to the UK. I am very proud of where I am today and how far I have progressed and I have stayed with E&J because I feel like I have continuously evolved during the time that I have been here. I feel like I am continuously developing my knowledge and skills, which is very important to me and you can do the same if you join Eville & Jones today.