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Official Controls

We are proud to say we have been the sole Service Delivery Partner to the FSA since 2017, for all Official Controls within approved meat establishments throughout England & Wales, to safeguard animal welfare and ensure food is safe to eat.

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Official Veterinarian Services

Established in 1993, we are Europe's largest provider of OV services in fresh meat establishments.

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Meat Inspection Services

Supervising more than 75% of the British meat industry and are the sole GB provider to the Food Standards Agency (FSA).

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Plant Inspection Assistants

Providing the UK poultry industry with PIAs to undertake statutory post-mortem inspection duties on behalf of food business operators (FBOs).

Official Veterinarian Services

The company provides specialised public health veterinarians focussed on audit and inspection in all types of establishments in a number of European countries.

These official veterinary services are offered and delivered through Competent Authorities and the industry sector. The team of veterinary inspectors and Official Veterinarians are trained to carry out all official functions as specified in EU Regulation 2017/625.

Eville & Jones is proud of our ability to deliver high calibre veterinary staff on timescales designed to match customer requirements in a wide range of countries. Service delivery needs are tailored to suit the specific demands of each client.

Meat Inspection Services

Our meat inspection division is Europe's largest independent provider of verification, supervision & enforcement in fresh meat premises & recognised as the highest qualified, most expert and best distributed across England & Wales.


Ensures processing plants & abattoirs follow statutory safety and hygiene standards during food production


Conducts inspections and appropriate enforcement actions where needed


Develops excellent working relationships with both FSA colleagues and Food Business Operators (FBO) representatives


Every meat inspection team is led by an OV, who is responsible for ensuring fresh meat is fit for human consumption, and has undergone the required ante-mortem and post-mortem health inspection and residue sampling. They ensure meat is safe, identify unfit product and verify that unfit meat is disposed of correctly by abattoirs.  Each OV is assisted by qualified MHIs in all these tasks.

We are hugely proud of our crucial role in safeguarding animal welfare, public health and hygiene, which guarantees complete peace of mind for consumers.

Our meat inspection teams help give assurance that food is safe to eat, that meat has been produced in compliance with legislative requirements and under hygienic conditions:

  • Collects and dispatches samples for further analysis
  • Conducts inspections and appropriate enforcement actions where needed
  • Develops excellent working relationships with both FSA colleagues and FBO representatives

Plant Inspection Assistants

E&J provide the UK poultry industry with a significant & increasing number of Plant Inspection Assistants (PIAs) to undertake statutory post-mortem inspection duties on behalf of food business operators (FBOs)

Our PIA services represent a cost-effective, flexible and hassle-free alternative to FBOs employing their own inspection staff. As the poultry industry moves increasingly towards PIA inspection systems our business is geared up to meet the increased demand this will inevitably bring.

We utilise only highly trained professional staff to carry out the duties of Plant Inspection Assistants on behalf of FBOs. These individuals are well trained in the wider aspects of food safety and quality assurance. Our Plant Inspection Assistants are well-placed to take on additional quality assurance duties and add value to the core inspection function.

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