Completed your veterinary degree and looking to start a career in public health?

E&J’s Official Veterinarian programme trains veterinary graduates in all skills required to become an Official Veterinarian, providing on-the-job experience for those wishing to pursue a career in Veterinary Public Health.

The programme is governed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and qualifies vets to work within the Public Health sector.  It is essential to becoming a fully qualified OV.  We work closely with the FSA who do regular audits on the training programme as part of their regulation of the food production/public health industry.

The 12-month programme requires:

  • 200 hours of practical training, supervised by an Official Veterinarian
  • A completed ‘Learning Log and Portfolio of Experience’ detailing this training
  • A competence assessment (exam) for the practical experience

During the training period, all Novice Official Veterinarians (NOVs) will be paired with a Supervisory Official Veterinarian (SOV) for support and will gain practical experience across all tasks necessary for the role.

Trainees will acquire all the knowledge they need to become a fully-trained Official Veterinarian, including:

  • National and Community legislation on veterinary public health, food safety, animal health, animal welfare and pharmaceutical substances
  • Animal welfare at the level of production, transport and slaughter
  • Promotion and use of food hygiene, food related safety (good hygiene practices); Principles, concepts and methods of good manufacturing practice (GMP) and quality management; and Principles of training of personnel working in the production chain
  • Principles, concepts and methods of HACCP, use of HACCP-based principles throughout the food production food chain and prevention and control of food-borne hazards related to human health
  • Conducting the auditing and regulatory assessment of food safety management systems
  • Monitoring and surveillance systems
  • Relevant aspects concerning TSEs
  • Environmental issues related to food production (including waste management)
  • Principles, concepts and methods of risk-analysis
  • Information and communication technology as related to veterinary public health

The NOV programme is a requirement of employment at E&J. Once the 12-month Novice period is completed you can enjoy the additional benefits of:

  1.  A substantial lift in salary
  2. A recognised qualification throughout the Public Health Industry
  3. Opportunity to progress/diversify within the company


We asked one of our recent training programme graduates, Edip Erginoglu, to share his thoughts on the programme:

How did the programme help prepare you for your career as an Official Veterinarian?

The programme helped me significantly as it was all related to day-to-day work of an OV and prepared me for a range of potential scenarios. This is really beneficial for veterinarians as it allows you to develop faster and prepares you for a future in veterinary public health.

What was the most interesting thing you learned?

The legislations and process of serving letters/notices.

What was the most challenging part of the programme?

The final exam was definitely the most challenging part. However, the support I received from my Area Manager, Official Veterinarian Team Leader and Supervisory Official Veterinarian helped me to prepare for this.

What would you say to graduates wanting to embark on a career as an OV?

A career as an OV is incredibly fulfilling, and provides you with a good salary and benefits, as well as excellent opportunities for career development. It’s a crucial role which sees you ensuring food safety and animal welfare standards are adhered to.


Interested in a career as an Official Veterinarian? Head to our Join the Team page to find out more.